Euro coins

Cyprus 1,00€ 2008

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FDI: 01.01.2008
FDC: 01.01.2008
Coin side: national
Coin issue: standard
Coin diameter: 23,25 mm
Coin thickness: 2,33 mm
Coin weight: 7,50 g
Series: Series 1
Short description: The Idol of Pomos as a symbol of culture
Long description: A cross-shaped idol dating back to the Cypriot chalcolithic period (3000 B.C.), found in Pomos, a village in the district of Paphos. It is a characteristic example of prehistoric art in Cyprus, representing the islands antiquity, culture and civilization.
Last updated: 06.05.2012 (12 years 2 months 21 days)
CYP Cyprus (??????/K?br?s)
Series 1 (2008)
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
Commemorative and special coins
270 360
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